Confirmation of Enrolment:
When enrolling online it is the student’s responsibility to note the date, time, venue and any requirements for their course. WEA Illawarra will only contact a student should there be a change to the initial information provided.
Payment at Time of Enrolment:
All courses are offered as a “first in best dressed” situation and a student’s place in any class is not guaranteed until payment has been made. Students must pay for their course at the time of enrolment and be aware that some courses carry additional fees for materials used in the class. Please refer to individual class requirement sheets.
The WEA Illawarra may use your email to communicate with you. Please indicate on the enrolment form if you do not wish to receive email communication from WEA Illawarra.
Other charges:
Some courses have charges for materials used in those courses. Details are found under course description or on the requirement sheet.
Course descriptions are provided as a guide only and WEA Illawarra reserves the right to change them or class schedules or a tutor when circumstances deem necessary. Accredited courses follow the accredited curriculum/training packages and cannot be changed.
WEA Illawarra is committed to providing a diverse range of lifelong learning opportunities with a particular focus on adult education. Persons aged under 18 yrs may be permitted to enrol in a course if accompanied by an adult. Please contact the WEA Illawarra office for further information.
Public Holidays:
Courses do not run on public holidays unless otherwise stated.
Unauthorised Statements:
No responsibility is accepted by WEA Illawarra for statements made by tutors or unauthorised agents of WEA Illawarra.
Participation in WEA Illawarra courses and clubs is entirely at participant’s own risk. The WEA is not responsible for any vehicle or its contents parked at any WEA venue. Enrolment in a course is taken by the WEA Illawarra to indicate acceptance of these conditions.
BYO lunch for all day workshops. Boiling water is available at all WEA Illawarra centres.
The Wea Illawarra is currently reviewing discounts on courses. Courses priced under $200 are not eligible for discounts. In addition, any courses marked with an "X" are also excluded from discount offers. Please check the course details for eligibility before applying any promotions.
Physical Access:
If you have any physical impediment affecting your mobility please advise when enrolling, including whether you can walk upstairs. Part of the Auburn Street Centre has wheelchair access and disability facilities.
Disability Access:
WEA Illawarra recognises that access to learning for people with a disability requires the removal of obstacles. Where feasible and where resources permit WEA Illawarra will assist participants with a disability or a special need.
Student Exclusions:
WEA Illawarra may decline an enrolment or exclude a student if in the opinion of the WEA Illawarra, the student’s welfare or that of other students or trainers may be at risk due to participation in a particular course. This includes, but is not limited to, medical conditions or disruptive or violent behaviour. An enrolment may also be declined if the student does not meet the stated requirements for the course, if numbers in the course are at a maximum or due to failure to pay the
required course fee
Once an enrolment has been processed, refunds are not made except when WEA Illawarra cancels a course. A credit note may be issued if a replacement student can be found prior to the course commencing, or in the case of a serious illness if a written request is accompanied by a medical certificate. However, requests for a credit note or refund on medical grounds must be lodged within the term in which you are enrolled. WEA Illawarra cannot accept responsibility for changes in personal circumstances or work commitments, or for books or materials purchased for a course. In some instances, transfer between courses may be granted upon application by a student to the CEO. Final decisions on any refund, transfer or credit note issues remain with the CEO. For Online courses there are no refunds after you have enrolled and received access to the course.
Refunds continued:
*Enrolment for Distance Learning students becomes effective once students receive details of the competencies of a course and an outline of distance learning study procedures. After this point no refund is payable. However,
in cases of hardship credit transfers may be made to a later WEA Illawarra course.
For accredited courses, students who are deemed competent automatically receive a certificate. For all other courses, students who have attended at least 75% of sessions may obtain a Certificate of Attendance by a non-refundable
payment of $10 at the time of enrolment. Accredited Certificates are available for collection from the WEA Illawarra office two weeks after outcomes are received from tutor. Non-accredited certificates will be posted at the end of term. Requests for certificates after the end of the term will incur an additional administrative fee of $5.
No Smoking:
WEA Illawarra has a No Smoking Policy in all venues at which WEA Illawarra courses are held including car parks and grounds of a venue.
Unauthorised Visitors:
Due to our Public Liability Insurance Policy unauthorised visitors are prohibited from attending WEA Illawarra classes.
WEA Illawarra is committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and security of all personal information entrusted to it in the normal course of its work as required under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The WEA Illawarra website is a secure site.